Neurology is a branch of medicine that focuses on nervous system disorders such as brain, spinal cord, nervous system and muscle diseases. Neurologists working in this department deal with the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of neurological diseases.
The range of neurological diseases is vast and can be difficult to treat. Specialists working in the neurology department diagnose diseases using a range of methods such as various imaging techniques, laboratory tests and neurophysiological tests.
Brain and nervous system diseases can seriously affect quality of life and can even be fatal. The neurology department works to support patients in the best possible way while struggling with these diseases.
Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder that occurs when brain cells are damaged over time. Because of this damage, connections and communication between cells in the brain are disrupted, thereby affecting functions such as memory, thinking, and behavior. While mild symptoms such as memory loss are seen at the beginning of the disease, more serious symptoms such as personality changes, language problems and loss of motor skills may occur in the later stages. Although Alzheimer's disease is usually seen in the elderly, other factors such as genetic and environmental factors can also affect the risk of the disease. There is no cure yet, but early diagnosis and medication can help manage symptoms.
Headache is pain usually felt in any part of the head or neck. Headaches can range from mild discomfort to intense pain and can sometimes be accompanied by other symptoms. Causes of headaches include stress, fatigue, sinus infections, migraines, high blood pressure, and other medical conditions.
Meningitis can be defined as an infection of the meninges, which are the protective membranes of the brain or spinal cord. This infection is usually caused by bacteria or viruses and is a rapidly progressive condition. Symptoms of meningitis can include severe headache, high fever, stiff neck, vomiting, nausea, skin rash and sensitivity to light. Because these symptoms are a very serious condition, it is important to seek medical attention right away. Treatment may consist of antibiotics, antiviral drugs, and other supportive treatments, depending on the cause of the infection.
Epilepsy and Seizures
Epilepsy is a neurological disease that occurs as a result of abnormal electrical activity in the brain. This abnormal activity can cause epileptic seizures. The severity and frequency of seizures can vary from person to person. Some people have mild seizures, while others can be severe. Epilepsy usually begins in childhood or old age, but can occur at any age. If the cause of the seizures can be determined, treatment is possible. In the treatment of epilepsy, drugs, surgery and other treatment methods are used. It is important for people with seizures to be in a safe environment before and after the seizure.
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